Saturday, May 3, 2008 

CMS Infusion- A Powerful CMS Solution for Small Business Owners

I have a confession to make: I'm in so in love with my new "toy"-code name CMS INFUSION.

Over the years, I have spent to much money and wasted my energy with the "next big things" that claimed as "must have tools" to help me be the next "internet guru" who would run a thriving internet business while laying down lazily, half naked with a laptop somewhere near to the beach.

No, I'm not saying that that beautiful image is wrong.

In fact, with a new all built in laptop generation like Sony Vaio and a wireless broadband internet connection from Verizon you can work almost anywhere in United State , without carrying a whole office with you.

I must admit, it does feel wonderful! I don't know how to live without my powerful, sexy Vaio and my dear Verizon network.

( I'm not sure about the "half naked" part, though. )

Ok, back to the point.

The more important question is: how do you get there with the right tool?

As an internet marketer, there are so many thing you need to have to run your business.

And if you are really into building a business that brands yourself, building a business that last,building a business that will free yourself time and labor should you decide to outsource those tasks to other people, choosing the right tool, the right system is definitely a serious question. It requires a thorough research.

To me, CMS Infusion is what I have been longing for- an all in one automated system for a small business owner, internet marketer like me can grow , over time. It's designed by internet marketer for internet marketer, therefore it has it own stand and different perspective with other CMS system.

You can do a research about it to see all features. I like it so much that I'm offering

free CMS Infusion training for CMSinfusion owners at my website

I will share more about CMS Infusion in my next articles.

In closing, I want to say one more thing. No matter how powerful a tool is, in the end the only matter

is if it serves your purpose or not. Whenever you get confused, ask yourself this question:



OutSourcingForHire is a web service by NT Vision Company, LLC, founded by Nam Tran Ybarra. Grew up in Viet Nam, studied in Japan, now lives in America, Nam Tran has experienced an amazing life journey, enriched by three different cultures. She is a language professor, a Real Estate Broker and an Internet Marketer. offers affordable, high quality web services to business owners and online marketers.



Nintendo Wii - Wii Boxing For Family

What is Nintendo Wii?

The Nintendo Wii was introduce in 2001 and that is just the same time as Game Cube was being released. It was named Revolution initially but it was changed to simply Wii, pronounced as 'we'. Nintendo invested a huge amount into advertising for the Wii.

What makes it different from other Video Games?

The Wii gaming system comes with a basic controller. This can be used for all of the games and is simple to use. The interaction between the Players and the Games is through the players movement by holding on to the controller such as a basic gesture may be to be pitching a ball. The controller is placed in the hand and the player uses it by rolling the hand forward in the pitching motion. This is a basic controller, but functions very well for the gaming system.

Looking at Wii Boxing - a Fun and Innovative Game

One of the innovative interactive game is Wii Boxing. The games are easy to learn but need practices There are also similar other type of games such as Wii Bowling, Wii Baseball, Wii Tennis for everyone to play.

The important part of this Wii system is the Wii controller. The Key of the system is the light weight controller that enable players to interact with the many games, including Wii Boxing. It contains a motion detector that copies onto the game a persons movements. This can vary from game to game.

On Wii Boxing game, player needs to purchase an extra console to play the game. This is the Wii Nunchuk. Wii Nunchuk is needed to control the motion in the Wii Boxing game. Players hold the regular controller in one hand, and the Nunchuk in the other. Plug both controllers in, and then play can begin.

It may seem a little strange at first playing the Wii Boxing, standing and punching in the air, but once the player gets the hang of it, throwing punches at an opponent seems to come naturally.

The Wii Boxing game can really give a great exercise. With all the jumping and jabbing required during the game, many calories can burn up fast. Some players may have noticed that their punches may not be landing very accurately but try to maintain accuracy, and avoid having your own character punched, is a balancing act that Wii Boxing is trying to maintain in its game. Since both a Nunchuk and the regular Wii controller are needed for this game, more practice is required to be able to handle the controllers.

It is a great choice of games for the family at the same time keep you healthy with all the body movement.

More tips on Nintendo and other video games click below to visit my website:



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